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e-Test for B.Sc.- II (Paper - VIII Algebra - II) SET- 5

Solve and Submit the e- test given by following link (SET - 5)
Paper - VIII
Subject - Algebra - II
Topic - Ring

Choose Correct alternative from the given below:

Be Prepared before you appear for e-Test for B.Sc.- II (Paper - VIII Algebra - II) SET- 5

1.            If Z is the set of intergers and a*b=a+b+1 and aâ—¦b=a+b+ab for all a, b ∈Z. Then the ring (Z , * , â—¦) is  a………….. 
a)            commutative ring            b)            intergral domain               c)            field                       d)none of these
2.            A commutative division ring is called…….
a)            Vector space                      b)            group                    c)            integral domain                                d)            field
3..           The ring of all evern inegers under addition and multiplication is also…..  
a)            a commutative ring         b)            an integral domain          c)     field                              d)none of these
4.            Every integral domain is not a ……
a)            a commutative ring         b)            an integral domain          c)     field                              d)none of these
5.            Which of the statement is false?
a)            Every field ia an integral domain                                b)            Every fintie integral domain is field
c)            Every field is ring                                                              d)            Every integral domain is a field
6.            Which of the following is not an integral doain?
a)            (Z, +, .)                                  b)            (2Z,  +,   .)            c)            (R, + , .)                                d)            (RxR, +, .)
7.            Subring of commutative ring is ….. 
a)            Commutative                    b)            non-commutative           c)    integral domain         d)            field
8.            Consider the two statements     A: Every ideal is subring                                 B: Every subring is an ideal
a)            Only (A) is true                  b)            only (B) is true   c)            Both are true     d)Both are false
9.            Which of the following is not an ideal of ring (Z, +, .)
a)            (2Z, +, .)               b)            (3Z, +, . )              c)            (6Z, +, . )              d)            (R, +, .)
10.          Which of the following is not a subring of <R, +, .>
a)            (Q, +, .)                 b)            (Z, +, .)                  c)            (C, +, .)                 d)            (R, +, .)

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